Fryent Primary School

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Church Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 8JD, United Kingdom


Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. School Information
  2. Ofsted Report and Performance Data
  3. Ofsted Reports

Ofsted Report

Fryent Primary School is a good school.  Our latest report stated...


  • Teaching and learning are good. Best practice is shared, and leaders ensure that the quality of assessment is good. Teachers value the
    high-quality professional development they receive to improve their practice.


  • The quality of provision in the early years foundation stage is good. Children make accelerated progress from their starting points
    because adults know them well, planning exciting learning experiences that develop their literacy and numeracy skills.


  • Literacy and numeracy are taught well across the wider curriculum. Pupils’ knowledge and skills are taught to greater depth. 


  • Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is good. Pupils are taught to be good citizens and help others who are less fortunate than themselves. 


  • The school embraces all cultures and religions through the curriculum, assemblies and displays. Newly arrived pupils settle well into school life because they are cared for by
    staff and pupils.


Please click below to view our most recent Ofsted report.

February 2019