Fryent Primary School

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Fryent Primary School

Excellence In Everything

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Core Subjects
  3. Phonics


At Fryent Primary School we use the Essential Letters and Sounds Phonics scheme to teach children to read. Please read on for more information.

What is the Essential Letters and Sounds Phonics Scheme?

The Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) phonics scheme is an evidence-based approach to teaching reading and writing. Designed specifically for young learners, it helps children develop essential literacy skills by focusing on the sounds that letters make, known as phonics. This structured program supports children as they learn to decode words, improving their reading fluency and comprehension.

  Consistent teaching slides                                                     Workbooks for daily application


A wide range of decodable reading books

Key Features of the ELS Phonics Scheme:

  1. Systematic Approach:
    • The ELS scheme follows a systematic, step-by-step progression. It starts with the simplest sounds and letters, gradually building up to more complex combinations. This ensures that children develop a strong foundation before moving on to more challenging material.
  2. Daily Lessons:
    • Children participate in daily phonics lessons, where they practise reading, writing, and spelling. These lessons are interactive and engaging, making learning fun and effective.
  3. Multisensory Learning:
    • The program uses a variety of teaching methods to cater to different learning styles. This includes visual aids, auditory activities, and hands-on exercises, helping children understand and remember what they learn.
  4. Focus on Sounds and Blending:
    • ELS emphasises the importance of learning the sounds that letters make and how to blend these sounds together to read words. This skill is crucial for developing reading fluency.
  5. Regular Assessments:
    • To ensure children are making progress, the scheme includes regular assessments. These help teachers identify any areas where a child may need extra support and adjust teaching accordingly.
  6. Support for All Learners:
    • The ELS scheme is designed to support all children, including those who may find reading and writing more challenging. It provides additional resources and interventions to help every child succeed.

Benefits of the ELS Phonics Scheme:

  • Improved Reading Skills:
    • By focusing on phonics, children learn to decode words quickly and accurately, leading to better reading fluency and comprehension.
  • Enhanced Writing Ability:
    • Understanding phonics also improves spelling and writing skills, as children learn the relationship between sounds and letters.
  • Confidence and Enjoyment:
    • As children become more proficient readers and writers, their confidence grows, and they are more likely to enjoy reading and learning. 

How Can Parents/Carers Support Their Child’s learning?

  • Read Together:
    • Spend time reading with your child every day. This not only reinforces what they learn in school but also fosters a love of reading.
  • Practise at Home:
    • Encourage your child to practise reading and writing at home. Reading together and discussing stories can reinforce what they learn in school. Encourage your child to read aloud to you or other family members. Praise their efforts to build their confidence.
  • Use Provided Resources:
    • Take advantage of the resources and materials provided by the school, such as access to the Oxford Owl online E-Book Library, weekly sounds homework, and levelled decodable reading books.
  • Stay Involved:
    • Attend information meetings, live lesson demonstrations, parent-teacher meetings and stay informed about your child’s progress. Communicate with teachers about any concerns or questions you may have.

By working together, we can ensure that your child develops the essential literacy skills needed for lifelong learning and success. If you have any questions about ELS or DSR, please feel free to contact the school.

Useful links

ELS information for parents and sounds pronunciation videos

Oxford Owl - support and advice on supporting your child at home

Please click below for more information or contact Mrs Michaels at school via